National Law College has always believed that Legal Education is incomplete without Practical experience, Research work and determination.
National Law College has always believed that legal education is incomplete without an experience of practice. Thus, we have set a tradition of holding Mock Trials and Law Moot competitions Intra College and encouraging our students to the national level competitions as well. And now we are all set to make it to the international level. The splendid history of NLC is the result of the unremitting efforts of highly qualified and proficient faculty and heads. Some of its principals have ben scholars of international prominence. It is pertinent to mention names of Prof.K.L. Kardar and Dr. C.M. Hanif, who have not only been the principals of Punjab University Law College but has headed law schools in various African Universities. Presently the college is being headed by Prof. Zill I Atif who has studied and taught law in three different continents and has previously headed institutions like Quaid-i-Azam Law College, Lahore, Punjab Law College, Lahore and Faculty of Law at Government College University, Faisalabad. His Knowledge and guidance will pave the way to bring this institution at par with the international standards of quality education.


Workshop On Kashmir Conflict

Sports Gala

Seminar On Kashmir Day

National Law College Rawalpindi Orientation Ceremony

Workshop On ICRC

Shooting Competition

Seminar On Human Rights